Healthy brain clinic

Increasingly memory assessment services are shifting their language away from disease to that of maintaining health and living well for as long as possible. It is widely acknowledged that brain health can be improved, and that education and lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Research shows that up to 40% of the lifetime risk of dementia is potentially modifiable. The 2020 Lancet commission report on dementia prevention, intervention and care, identified twelve potentially modifiable risk factors including things like alcohol consumption, obesity, smoking and physical inactivity.

To help ReMind UK’s move towards prevention and maintaining health in 2024 we will be establishing our new Healthy Brain Clinic. This new clinic will help people identify risk factors early to retain cognitive wellbeing for as long as possible. We will be working with people aged 55 and above, identified as having risk factors or in the early stages of neurodegenerative disease. Our advice will aim to help mitigate risk, or if significant cognitive changes are identified, people can be transferred into our Memory Services.

An additional benefit to the Healthy Brain clinic within ReMind UK’s multi-disciplinary setting is that people using the service have access to ReMind UK’s research environment, giving them the opportunity to participate in current trials or studies or to sign up for appropriate studies should they come up in the future.

The Healthy Brain Clinic is underpinned by ongoing research to determine the most efficient, evidence-based ways of delivering early intervention and having secured some seed funding to begin this work, we are currently in the development and establishment phase of this clinic, with our aim to begin supporting individuals towards the end of 2024.

For more information on the Healthy Brain Clinic please contact